“If you have to take down a tree, can you reuse the material that is in that tree to create furniture? I mean it’s, how do you make a place that’s healthy, and that can function without taking resources from the planet as much as possible.” -Heather H Mckinney
The final aspect of Just Sustainability is living within ecosystem limits. Just like the aspect of meeting the needs of both present and future generations, we want this earth to be happy and healthy when the future generations take over. In the “One-Planet Living” writing by Jennie Moore, it states that “One-planet living is living within the means of nature. Specifically, it refers to a lifestyle that does not demand more ecological goods and services… than the earth’s ecosystem can sustain on a global annual basis.” In other words, we shouldn’t be taking the earth’s resource, if we won’t have as much as we did the year before.
Sustainable housing focuses on this aspect. Heather H Mckinney, founder of Mckinney York Architects, talks about how, when working on a site, they can be as sustainable as possible. She states that “it’s a lot figuring out how you can do more with less.” She also talks about her firm handles things on a site. She says how “If you have to take down a tree, can you reuse the material that is in that tree to create furniture? I mean it’s, how do you make a place that’s healthy, and that can function without taking resources from the planet as much as possible.” This way, many sustainable housing opportunities can come around, while keeping the earth more healthy and safe.
– Community First! Village from a birds eye view.